Monday, September 26, 2011

It’s not that you’re not good enough!

When it seems like your talent is not appreciated, when it seems like you are not given a chance, when it seems like you are invisible and people can’t see you, when it seems like you are always the back up or the substitute and never given a chance to be at the front line, do not give up. Do not be despair. For it is not that you are not good enough. For it is not others are better than you. For it is not that you do not worth or not up to that position.

当你觉得你的恩赐不被人赞赏,当你觉得每次机会都轮不到你,当你觉得别人都看不到你,当你觉得好像备份或者替代,没有机会在前线, 不要放弃。不要绝望。不是你不够好也不是别人比你好。

You could start questioning why aren’t you given a chance or why is it so unfair that you work so hard but was never appreciated. You could start holding grudges on people and keep thinking how unfair you have been treated. Or you could give yourself a thousand reasons to make yourself better, but at times, most of the reasons happen to be negative on others to make ourselves feel better.


Or you could go one step further, not wanting to be stuck in that position but go forward and be better. Do not stop doing whatever you are doing just cause’ people around you do not appreciate you. Whatever position you are in, continue to work hard and be better. It’s God’s given talent/gift so do not give up on yourself, for God is preparing something for you, something better, something greater than you can think of. So, do not be disappointed and give up easily. For when the time is here, when you are given the opportunity, when the chance is here, you are more than prepared, to lead, to serve, to be on the front line, to take the lead and go forward. Just be prepared!


(thanks to google translate!)