I guess i am still not over it about the privacy of my life. I am not sure which one is more creepy. Someone stalks me and I don't know about it and someone stalks me and I know about it. There's a saying, ignorance is bliss. I guess, not knowing is better than knowing it. I do stalk or do my little investigation on the internet, be it about my clients or people's background i would like to know, which mostly involving prospective other half or new friends. And that would also include erasing all the search history so that people wouldn't know about it. I mean no harm. It's just my curiosity that I want to feed. But kinda creepy to have people ask me, why did i restrict the viewing of most of the photo albums in my FB, in just less than an hour after I changed the setting in my FB.
While honesty is the best policy, Honesty is not welcomed all the time yea. I'm not sure whether i should continue on blogging.