Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My Prayer for you!

- temporarily there would be no update in this blog until further notice. Lazyant also known as lazy-but-not-that-lazy-ant, will not update the blog til 2 weeks later. as you know, lazyant is lazy, so... please be patience, don't stop coming, you still can flood the tagboard. haha. -

to all friends who are sitting exam next week or coming week,
All the best!
I pray that whatever you've learnt, revised, studied and memorised you will remember on the exam day.
I pray that you will pass all of your papers with flying colours.
And i pray that you pray for me as well.. hehe...
that we go to the battle together,
win this battle together and survive out together. Amen!
Hang on there people! We all can do it! God Bless!


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