Thursday, March 03, 2011

Wolverine or Two Batmen

I've been getting some weird comments in reply to what I wrote on my FB status. And somehow, all the rants, majority of them, misinterpreted by people as connected to my job. I don't know how people read it or misinterpret it as it is, but probably because people think my life revolve around my work.

Knowing the high level of P&C required in my job and knowing the town is so damn small that words travel really fast and knowing people add spices and opinion of what they thought it is onto the interpretation they made based on the original sentence or content, I refrained myself from writing anything related to my work, my colleagues, my case and etc.

But somehow, people see it that way. I do not know why. To know the exact meaning, ask the maker, me! :)
No, my words are not optical illusion images.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After a long hiatus, welcome back! (I like the new book themed background by the way, it adds a dash of much needed colour without being overly garish).

Agreed, for your line of work, a certain level of confidentiality is indeed necessary, and I have no doubts whatsoever that you are able to adhere to the strict standard of professionalism that is expected of you.

For this topic, let me play the devil's advocate by stating that if we were look at it from another perspective, the comments indicated, at the very least, their concern for you. There is no debating that the reason for the concerns were (clearly) misplaced however, but that should not detract from the intent of the messages. Perhaps they felt inappropriate to ask further. Perhaps they thought that they knew you well enough. Perhaps... well, there's a reason why it is claimed that assumption is the mother of all f**kups!

I was also unfortunately, guilty as charged. But in my defense, as you have previously shared with me a story which turnt out very much unlike what I had expected, a part of me held back from making assumptions, and my comments tried not to presuppose any interpretation, instead only focusing on what you have explicitly described. That said, do let me know if you do drop by, I definitely have alot to ASK the next time we meet! :P

Hope you are keeping well, stay strong and God bless!

PS : Company is STILL blocking blogspot *facepalm*