Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It's a month away to Christmas Eve, then a week to New Year. And, all of the sudden (or I didn't really realise it) that the year is coming to an end, to a new chapter of new year. Just for a moment, as I look back, at this time, right now, I am very much contended with what I have, with where am I, with what I've achieved so far. Mind you, not any achievement like certificates or any career related goals, or money oriented goal such as "first tank of gold". It's more of a character and value re-building this year, which I'll explain more in later post. But, on one thing, which has been part of my new year resolution for past few years and will be also next year, is my spiritual growth. Hmmm... probably moved just a few steps, or inches? I will work on that :p

Yes, it's a very short post, just on what I'm up to!

Cheers, Happy Tuesday!! Gambateh!!! In whatever you're doing!!!

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