Thursday, June 23rd 2006
(It's 4.25pm now, every 5 minutes i check the time, hope to see 5pm fast. haha...)
Kids in my generation, grew up with My little pony, Care Bears, Suria Baja hitam not yet power rangers or power puff girl. I still remember well how LIttle Pony looked like, cause i always dream of owning one pony, and Care Bears where i always dream of having those little hearts or rainbow tatoo-ed on my body.. haha... but not forgotten Ultraman, where brother and i used to imitate how Ultraman acted.. yeah... and the favourites of kids in all generation.. playing with sand.
All these came back to me after Addy told me stories of her teaching in the kindy class. Just by looking at how they act and talk, really shows how simple their mind is and how naiive they are. Sometimes, we just want to be kids forever, but time doesn't allow. And sometimes, we wanted to be as naiive as we can, as the more we know, the more complicated things can be, but society doesn't allow us to be naiive. And people tend to be afraid, to be afraid of stepping into the society, knowing that life is complicated out there.
Just being in the real working environment for 4 days making me realised a lot of things. Not that this is my first time working but this is the first time i'm connected to the society. Reading the cases especially, making me realised this is the real world and things are always go smoothly. But not being afraid or wanted to runaway, I continue on reading and find out what really happened. we can't always find out the truth, we can't always help the criminal free from liabitility, we can't always help the innocent ones to claim what they deserve, but what we can do is to try out best to solve their problem. Yeng once said the world of adulthood is full of complication and problems. Yes, no doubt, but that's why we need to cling onto our family and close friends. For in them we can find assurance and peace, for in them we can find encouragement to bring us through our ups and downs. A friend once said, the older you get, the harder you can meet true friends. And most of our good friends are from our studying period. But well, doesn't matter when or where, everyday we will meet new people, see new faces, get to know new friends but only true friends will last long, that they are the one that will always be there for you in good and strife. i need not be afraid or give up, but just remembering those faces that give me warmth in my heart, telling me to go on...
Friday, June 24th 2006
About 2 months ago, I was offered President Post of Law Society and accepted the offer. Few days later, my associate Dean called and congratulate me. After the meeting with the lecturers, they finally have a decision. I was given the post.
Arghh..... History is not that important thou now, practically this piece of story can be deleted from my mind, as it's not important now. From being elected as the President of Law Society for the new terms and now was offered to switch my post to Vice president, making me disappointed. Other than the pride inside me, most importantly, i felt that my capability, my credibility was questioned. There were a lot of issues behind and i shall not say much here, not to protect confidentiality, but, rather not to judge and defence myself through this blog of what had happen. I can only say, that the timing wasn't right.
Today, during lunch break, Mr L called me again, regarding me being the Vice President. And after all the reasoning and explaination, i agreed with him. Rather than being selfish and fight for my pride, I let go my President Post, and rejected the Vice President Post. Meaning, stepping out from the Law Society. This wasn't about my pride, but I am disappointed. Just disappointed.
After the call, I just sit at my desk, thinking of what will happen. Not regrets about it, but just disappointment that left in my heart. One reason that i accepted the post is because I wanted to do something different in Law Society, wanted to do something different that helps the whole faculty of Law. But... i thought.. never mind. I believe one person can make a change, make an impact, but now, just the timing isn't right. I start sending mesages to close friends, telling them, i've stepped down from the post. Didn't expect replies, but slowly, replies came in one by one. Those messages warmed my heart, knowing that, I'm not alone in this. Just letting go this post, I've gained true friendships. So, will have more time with you.. dear friends *wink wink*