Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time pass slowly please

I slept like 13 hours last night, after 3 days of classes. It's like non-stop classes, from Friday night, to Saturday morning till evening, to Sunday morning till 2pm. Crazey. I always wish if we can have caravan here, so that I can park it right outside the college. Haha.

I feel like cooking when I woke up this morning, so in the noon, I went out for lunch plus groceries shopping. See, I don't normally talk about lunch and groceries shopping, but today, it was public holiday and I didn't expect that it jammed all the way from the main road into the car park. Absolute crazy! And inside the mall, it was packed with people that I have to walk slowly. grrr. Who says it's recession now and here and we gotta start saving up?

So I cooked pasta at night and it was kinda bad. Normally it is good, but probably because it's been a year since the last time i cooked pasta, so, everything is out of proportionate. I poured too much of milk that it looks like as if I'm cooking soup. The cooking oil has expired and the only thing that I have in the fridge is vegetable spread. So, haha, the food sucks!

Anyways, I have class again tomorrow. Just rested for a day and I feel like I didn't do anything. bleh.

How are you lately...

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