Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sumthin Farnee

It was during the trip in Beijing, while walking around in one of the famous park, I saw deer (it's deer right? i didn't check). Had my brother took the photo with me....

Then i thought of going near the deer so that i have a better picture with it... But it ran away...

So, i ran and ran, it keep running. I can stand it.. i just laughed.. and a picture was snapped..

So, i ran and ran until i was so near to it.... while posing, the deer turned around and it happened that bro snapped me and its' butt. *blush*

This made me laugh! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I notice that u're wearing a tee with deer printed on it. Was that a coincidence or u purposely changed for the 'photoshoot'?

Love this post of you. At least it brings a smile while reading it. Keep blogging ya, blogger!