Monday, July 10, 2006

Just me, take it or leave it!

A friend asked me the other day, why do I blog, "Are you seeking for attention??", I was asked.

No. definitely no.

Mr Lecturer said I have difficulty in expressing myself. Saw almost everyone have a blog... So I started blog.

Nothing outstanding, started off with just the normal what I've done and what i've encoutered, my experiences and my life. The happy and the laughter part, the insults and embaressment moment, the dumb and stupid of me and of course, the sad and crying part of me. Of course, when there are people appreciates those experiences, some people make fun of them. I don't mind at all, it's just part what I've encountered and what I've experienced. But lately, I've cut off the sad and stressful part, after a friend commented, why I have more of the sad than happy lately. I wasn't affected by the comment, but the comment made me realised, just posting the happy ones will make myself happy and friends who read it are happy too. haha..

But definitely not to seek attention. Not to make ANY judgement on others, and hopefully no one approach me and judge/criticise me. We all are learning, we all are growing. No one is qualified enough to make any judgment on other people when they are not perfect. And no one should throw any conclusion on others when you know nothing at all, or maybe didn't understand thoroughly. Obviously, I'm stressing this part, because of lately encounter with a friend that I care. Finding myself very hard to communicate with the friend, I now slowly letting the friend go, or selfishly i can say, slowly not to have that friend's life attached to my life.

Yes, I am selfish. Selfish in a way. I can accept criticism, reasonable ones.... as criticism can help to make me change. But a criticism after another and keep coming, hey, I'm not perfect and I shouldn't be judged according to your standard. Finding myself a REAL hard time in standing up and stand on my 2 feet, especially at this time when I am most stressful, after each of your calls and each of the complaints/criticism/comparison that you've thrown on me.

Okay.. enough of that.. had been trying to get that out of my mind, cause it really discourage me a lot.. making me thinking I am not a good girl/person/friend in any way.

Anyway, though in stress but still know how to find my way out of this... went Manukan Island last saturday, which i don't feel like going at first, but i know, my stress would be worst if i don't go and fresh up my mind. Snorkeling was so fun... saw this another world that i've never been before. Played with sea cucumber a lot and saw nemo and family. will definitely go again someday..... Any photos you might say.. haha... will share some later!

Love me, accept me, take me for who I am, not because of what I am.
For I love you, the way you are,
and i still love you for the flaw that you have,
for the weaknesses that you have,
for the person you are that makes you beautiful.

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