Thursday, December 24, 2009
Xmas of 2009
But well, family time, can mean disaster as well. The good things come with bad things, the sweetness comes with the bitter. It's like yin and yang, or a balance u can call it.
And it suppose to be happy time, laughing out loud time, loving and being bigger heart time. And not a throw-a-fit time. It's sad to know, that at times like this, at a (supposedly) joyous moment, that sour face just appear, or anger are not managed well and tantrum are thrown. Hate to say but, respect the occasion and respect the people around you, are still one of the necessary values that are needed.
I am, trying not to get distracted. But at the same time, my heart is broken, and all I wanted to do, is try to accept the beautiful side of it and close one eye on the broken part. I just hope, time will pass without any major disaster!
I know it's suppose to be time of celebration and count my blessings, but, I can't help it, to be sadden by that fact. Not even angry but sad. sigh.
Merry Blessed Christmas people! I hope you have a great one!!!
God Bless!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I bumped to someone whom I don't want to meet, the one i mention on my previous post. Yeah, luckily, I was alert enough to turn and walk straight away, while replying SMS-es after a looong busy day. My gosh.... The running away and hiding, is really frightening, shocking and at same time thrilling. It was crazy, but thank God, yea, she didn't see me. Crazy. Shall explain more, or, just leave it here. Not important anyway...
Before I run to sleep, Thank you (Really) Old Friend!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Go away please!
don't understand why ppl don't get it when i don't reply their sms-es for months. and still, not giving up in telling me, u're dropping by the town. salute u!
People come and go, as every day your life path cross with someone else, you share a moment, whether a crush or a click, or just plain acquaintances or working partner. And these moment may last longer, and some may just end after a few hours. Sometimes we click, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we have the same frequency, but not all the time. Sometimes we tune in the same channel, but later on, we head on to different channels. People come, and go.
And sometimes, you're stuck with this person, though there's not many things in common, but you still hang on with this person. Why i say stuck, as when the bad feelings over weigh the good feelings out of the moments, and you still want to stay that way, to be together in that moment, but at the same time you're torturing yourself by staying together, so, you're kinda stuck.
But still, bad experience, or short moments that we had before, the hurt and lost that we had before, never stop us from experiencing people. mind you, the only thing that stop you is your own fear that u keep building inside you.
But, i come to conclusion, when people come, i'll just appreciate, and when people go, i'll just need to bless them. it wasn't easy coming into this state, cause I had moments before. Moments that I don't want to let go, but people need to move on. and in between losing these moments and moving on, i went into the I'm-in-my-own-world stage. I kept myself busy, I hang out with the same group of people, but never tried to listen to what they were talking about. People busied around me, but I was stagnant in the same position for very long. It felt as if part of me is gone. And looking back, I know, i need to take care of myself, to make myself happy, to live every moment.
So, right now. I learn each day, from the past, on how to improve and be better in the moments. How not to repeat the same mistake, and how not to throw myself in a way that will hurt me. No, i'm not keeping myself out of the world. I am out there, to experience and live to the fullest.
*listening to I gotta feeling*
Why am i crapping this? Cause someone that I've been avoiding is coming to town. When the relationship just base on lies and cover up, pretending to be successful or wannabe somebody, self-centred and selfish, i don't see the point of even replying your messages. After all the lies, I still care and take you as friend, but you just screw your own chance. Even my mom's advice I ignore, and gave you a chance. But, you just screw it. So, I won't even bother meeting you up when u drop by the town. Even if u hunt me down to my house, i'll just crash friend's house, or head to the hotel *big smile*
Okiie.... enough of story telling. tonight was a good good night. Have a great weekend people!!
Probably a lot of times it happens to us before. we was irritated or annoyed, and we get mad or feeling agitated, after a while, we forgot about what had happened but still feeling very annoyed.
But, I'm just being bitchy today, which I don't usually. I just want it my way, today. just feeling bitchy. whatever i don't like, i just say it to friend's face. yea, that's me today. the other side of me, which, normally doesn't come out.
so, if u see this side of me, either u're close to me that i let u see this side of me, or u're just too annoying!!
Monday, December 07, 2009
It still feel the same.
I wanted to blog bout this and whole loads of story but, i'll just keep it short. Ad, it's good to see you again last week, after so long. It's still the same when i first know you, and the comments u left in this said post, and now, it still the same. glad that we keep each other.
Have a productive and blessed week ahead. Will look forward each day and be happy!!
till then, God bless you, friends!!
Saturday, December 05, 2009
So, 36 months gone, and 6 years later the keys was handed over. A year later the guy sued. According to the law, there's limitation period of 6 years for breach of contract. Defence lawyer says, limitation starts when the breach occured, which is after the 36 months. Plaintiff's counsel says, limitation period starts when the keys was handed over. So, which one the judge buy? the defence lawyer's argument. developer did offer outside settlement with other buyers, but some thought, if sue according to the contract, the sum is much higher.
So, did the judge dispense justice in this case?
well, in a way, the judge is saving the developer's ass, cause late of delivery, meaning probably 500 units' buyers can sue him for all the penalty. but in a way, a bit unfair to the buyers. And, this cause, barred by the limitation period.
So, sort of, if u know the lacuna... u can play around it.
I rest my case. I shall, continue on my track, to go into academic field.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Best Wishes
Thank you for all the memories that you've given to me. Thank you for accompanying me throughout those years, in thick and thins. Thank you for sharing your life with me during that period of time. Thank you for giving me those moments that no one could take away.
I just want to wish you, all the best in the next chapter. May God bless u with many blessings, love and joy, in your next chapter!
Best wishes, from me!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Yes, it's a very short post, just on what I'm up to!
Cheers, Happy Tuesday!! Gambateh!!! In whatever you're doing!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I wish
But the truth hurts. Before the truth is communicated, it's already hurting someone. Although it happened a while ago, but the effect of it still linger around. For what had happened, I am no to judge. But, people can't forget. People still remember. And the only person that change this fact is, the one that is involved.
Anyway, it doesn't have anything got to do with me. Why am I bothered? My ass was burned but I won't save my own just cause it will hurt others. I am, keeping it to myself, at the mean time.
Till then, I am very persistance with what I stand, with what I believe in, with what I'm holding to. Cause, I don't want to allow it to get on top of my head again and control me, any more. Cause, I am tired.
For what is worth, sometimes things don't look like what it is on the surface. I wish, I can spill it out.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Being Supportive
Would you say, what your friends WANTS to hear, in order to be supportive, in order to be that supporting friend?
We may have our differences in opinions and the way we see things, and different people weighs different considerations differently. But not everyone can see from the other person's view and think from their side.
But the thing is, the line inbetween disagreeing because of what I think (I can't see what u're trying to achieve, or what's in it that u're looking for) and
disagreeing because of what I think is best for you, is very thin and blur.
But, would u say, what ur friend WANTS to hear, in order to be supportive? Note that it is "Want" and not "need".
Needed to hear, is ur piece of advice and ur persistance in diagreeing.
Wants to hear, is, the encouragement that the person wants to hear.
And, whatever decision we make, we make it out of our convictions, but not, just 'cause someone else says differently. And sometimes, you need to fight for it yourself, even if there are ppl, disagree with you.
And bottom line, hold on to people that believes in you, and distant yourself from people, who keep crushing your spirit.
Friday, October 30, 2009
After 3 weeks
I thought I'll be alright with it, or we force ourself to be alright, for this is the shorter way to moving on, rather than going through the process of breaking down, break into million of pieaces, soak into the sadness and then only, start picking ourselves up and slowly make a step to move on.
I started my day happily, meeting up with people for lunch and get to know new friend. I've placed extra effort in doing hair and make ups, and chose my attire that shows that what a day that I'm looking forward to enjoy. But half way, it suddenly hit me, what happened 3 weeks ago.
I'm glad, it hit me. Although i tried so hard to hold myself back and bury it back when it first hit me, but I'm glad, I dig it out all and let myself be, how my heart feels. It's okay to be not okay right, a friend always say. Probably I've look too far, probably I've think too much. But, just probably, I just need some courage to continue walking.
And at this time, I still know, who holds tomorrow. I keep praying, that dear Lord not to leave me nor forsake me, to have faith in me and give me that strength to continue walking. And i'm so much glad, for the pillar of support that I have. Thanks friend!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Next Chapter
SO, my holiday is coming to and end. It's like the longest break I've ever had. more than 3 months of break and did nothing but just laze around at home. Never, rotted like this before. But at the same time, it's been a great time of rest at home, although the first few weeks of the break was a disaster to me, close to running back to my nest.
I must say, the journey of this holiday wasn't easy. There were tears, anger and misunderstanding, and also digging out the past which brings to clarification of my stand, closure of the past in order to move forward and leaving the past behind. It's a joy knowing, it doesn't affect me anymore like it used to, and knowing that I actually had moved forward without realising it myself.
Every chapter that brings sadness or discomfort in some way when u think of it, must have an end to it and closure, in order to move forward. And I'm happy, you were there to help me, and I was there to close it up, in order for u to move forward. I guess, time does help in fading everything away, be it sad or happy, but, whether there is a real closure to the chapter, depends on whether you did the right thing, and not just waiting for time to pass to fade it away.
I just want to wish you the best in your next chapter, and I know u wish the same too, to me.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Still waiting
I'm back in KL for the time a week, thought the results will be out this week but turned out, probably after the raya.
Was back in hometown for almost a month, and I was quite busy chilling and relaxing, at the same time, fulfilling my responsibility and commitment in the family (no... not family 'business' but 'family' business if u get what i mean). There's mix feeling, other than being happy that exam is finally over, but also the fact that the current chapter of my life probably come to end and going to next chapter, well, depends on the results.
Hmmm.... at the mean time while I'm back here, I didn't get to really relax, as I was running around to get some stuff done, at the same time I got food poisoining I think, had diarrhea and been vomitting for few days. Not sure why, till yesterday, when I fully recovered.
Right.. got to stop. I don't know why i choose to blog when I just had a few round of alcohol just now. Ciao... the world is spinning.....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
You determine your life and how you want to lead your life, not others.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I am NOT like YOU
But yet, when it comes to negative value, which runs in the blood according to people, I can't help but to deny this. Not wanting to believe or accept this fact that we inherit the behaviour of our parents, I refuse to believe this. But, can't deny, we DO resemble our parents in some way, be it good or bad.
The only thing I can do now, is taking them as a mirror and change the person in me. Whenever I face the same problem as they did, I'll try to remind myself not to react or solve the way that did which I disagree.
But one thing I still can't figure out, is, marriage. I. Don't. Know. How.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Aftermath
1. A friend was watching tv and suddenly, it just pop out on her mind, why is she watching tv. She has something important to do. The next question is, oh... exam over, no more studying.
2. During the exam, my messages always ends with gambateh or add oil. Going to bed messages would be "rest well and nights", and not sweet dreams like i always do. Now, it's sweet dreams and not rest well. -__-
3. For past one month, I eat a few meals per day but eat little per meal. Cause afraid of being sleepy after meal. Now, I had 2 meals only and it's full meal till i feel bloated.
4. Waking up in the morning and need to convince myself, it's after exam and we got nothing to do.
So, right after exam. I went,dinner, clubbing, partying, hanging out, lepaking, trips, lepak again, talking, meeting up, talking nonsense, etc as much as i can. not forgetting, FB-ing as much as I can with the games :P
Parents of the gang we were supportive, telling us that we earn it to have this two months break and ask us to chill all the way, and start stress when only result is about to release.
So, although one side of me already predicted the results, but friend say, must keep finger cross, continue praying and hope for the best. So, I can't give up while my supporters are praying right. So, just pray for grace on examiner's side, to be a little bit more gracious on marking our paper. Amen for that.
In the mean time, where shall i go next :p
ps: I still can't upload my photos to websites, but will do starting tomm, since I'm going back home.
pss: Have fun holidaying and chilling and do whatever you want, fellow CLPians!!! will miss you guys!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
After 2 Papers
Seriously, this is nothing like other examinations that I sat before. After all these years of uni, more than 10 examinations, this is really nothing like before. Just today, when I read the questions during reading time, I know what the question wants, I know how to answer. Just that my brain went blank and i coudn't recall any cases. I can't even project my notes in my mind.
It's really not about the certificate now, we all just want to sit for it and survive through it. Doesn't really what is the outcome, going through the preparation for examination till the examination day, and survive through the papers do build character. Friend was right, it does build a character in us. The fighting spirit, the never give up spirit, the perseverance and the persistant spirit, and also the stronger us. A lot of times, we're at the verge of giving up, chuck it aside and walk away, but because, knowing that we're in this together, pull us through and it does hold us together till the very end.
Well, it's not the end yet. We're just half way through, and thinking back, We are all Champions. So proud of ourselves, said a friend. Doesn't matter what is the outcome, the fact that we sat for it, proves we're conqueror, says another friend. I'm so proud, having to call them, my pillar of support. Thank you, for being strong for me, when I was at the verge of slipping it away.
I shall be stronger and fly higher. Gambateh people!
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Day
It's the day, of the starting of the Certificate of Legal Practise examination. *sweat*
Wish me all the very best!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
2 days and 11 days
After all this and if I pass...
probably going back home for good, which means, leaving behind everything i have here and start all over again back in hometown. there are a lot of things i'll miss here. My pillar of support, mostly, here.
Anyways, the exam hasn't start yet and we're planning for holidays after the exam. woo hoo~
Alright, shall go back to work. Gambateh people!!
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
dumb auntie
Kiddo, you lazy girl...
mom, later all ur books gather dust at home....
this was only part of the conversation. As the queue was long and slow, i overheard their conversation for about 10 minutes.
Then it's the auntie's turn to pay. RM113 in total. Suddenly don't know why, the old lady in front of me, talked to the sales girl that was attending the kid's mom.
What just happened. They didn't bring the member card and the siu jie auntie was just standing there looking at her mother in law i suppose, and not talking to the sales girl. So, the sales girl told the mother in law, they need a member card. the mother in law told her, they didn't bring it, and bla bla bla, trying to persuade the salesgirl to give them a discount. And the whole time, the auntie didn't try to solve anything, just stood there, only re-phrase what the sales girl said to the old lady when she cannot understand what the sales girl just said.
Then the old lady told the kiddo to come again the next day with the member card. Still, the auntie was just standing there.
I was like... What the Hell!!! I so wanted to shout, for goodness sake, can someone just give them the stupid card. I don have one, so, if not, i would just pass mine to them.
It's not about the card. It's about the siu jie auntie. seriously, so impolite, not well mannered, not respect. she thinks that she's still 16 year old sulking at her mom. my gosh. the face looks like 40 to me. Oh come on....!!! the whole time didn't try to do anything, let the mother in law talk, who can't even converse in malay properly and mix with english. SHe can't understand the sales girl either. My gosh. Not sure whether the auntie know what is paiseh or not, some 10 to 15 person behind us queuing up witnessing all this.
The bottom line is, our kid will reflect us, just like a mirrow. How u sulk at them, at 4 years old, they will know how to be sulky too. Poor mother in law.....
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I'm not a lost generation
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Stepping Stone
So, I never called this my college. I always address it as BAC or the school. No offence to the institution, just me doesn't want to sit for the paper. I consider this place, as me passing by, not wanting to settle, not wanting to get comfortable, not wanting to feel belonged here. All, I want to do, probably just let time pass by, and will leave once I make decision what I want to do and where I'm heading to. I'm just, honouring what my dad says.
So, September passed and I'm still here. December passed and the new year came. I thought, may be I'll start working after the festive seasons but norpe, I was still there. May be I've given up, may be I was already half way in this, may be I should give it a try.
Although my heart never set for this, but still very consciously, my mind doesn't work together with my heart and I did study consistently since November. A bit slack and a bit of hardworking, a bit of lepakking and a bit of overworked, today finally, was the last day of our course. I was a bit sad, thinking, why I didn't I start appreciating my life in CLP and only till the last few months of the course, I started to mix around and get to know some really cool and great people. And really, time flies when we start to enjoy,
Today, was the unofficial last day of class. The next two weeks will determine what we gonna do next year. Although everyone keeps it to themselves, the fear of exam and results, but we still continue cheering for each other, hoping that we'll make it together.
All The Best!! AKHL, DW, FL, FSL, LSC, JLPK, JS, NN, PL, YHW! It's been great knowing you!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
At 11
I hope, the next generation will learn to know about him, just like we learnt about Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin by Theresa Tang. I hope, our next generation would have someone like him, that brings impact in their heart and this place, will be a better place for the human race.
You will be remembered, MJ.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Quick Update
2 weeks more. or less than 3 weeks more.
I want to go celebrate!!
I feel so, different now.
I am, very grateful now.
K... stop the nonsense.
Happy Thursday.
ps: no photos for time being, as the computer that i'm using now has software problem and my other computer... died already lah.... so, just bear with the text only post for time being. xoxo
Sunday, June 21, 2009
One week and 3 weeks
Reverse a bit, 2 weeks ago, i left my car at the car wash centre at my apartment. I forgot to collect it back, hence it stayed overnight there. The same night, the ceiling of my toilet collapsed. Apparently, my nice neighbour up there poke the pipe until it burst or something, and it drop on my ceiling and therefore it collapsed.
Past one week, my laptop died on me. So i brought it to HP Centre for it to be fixed. Initial check confirms that it's LCD problem. But i think it's the graphic card problem, cause the same symptom happened before it crashed on me last year. Then i asked for quaotation.
1. Service charge, include open up and check only. RM95
2. LCD only - RM1100
3. Since there is internal webcam attached, if it's broken. Including the LCD is RM1500
4. Graphic card (attached together with motherboard, so have to change the whole thing)
I took back my laptop, without even allowing them to open up and see. So darn expensive.
It's only 17 months old.
And Yesterday, I sent a friend home to her place in Sunway. As i reversed, I saw that bits of wall sticking out and I even told myself to be careful. Either I was tired or I need new pair of glasses, the right side of my car butt bang to the wall with a loud BANG. >.<
Well... it doesn't look like things don't run smoothly on my part, cause, I was laughing while I told my friend
"You know.. my laptop died one me.. HAHAHAHAAH".
"I just langgar the wall with my car butt... HAHAHAHAHA"
3 weeks from now, I'll be sitting for the Peperiksaan Menguji Ketahanan Lasak Anda dan Memori Anda (forgive my malay, i.... errr.. left high school long time ago..).
And, I'm here blogging and just finished a tv session. Seriously, I haven't even finish reading up my syllabus. left 1 big subject and 4 small subject. Can jump well, quote HS.
Right, have a great weekend people! God Bless you!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Standing Still
Since the beginning of the year till now, I've attended some 4 weddings of my close friends and a cousin. till now, it's 4. they are People around me age, my peers. And what makes it worst is, people start asking when is my turn. And when they found out I'm with nobody, that makes it even more worst. And when the history of me not involved in serious relationship before, makes people wonder, if I'm gay (no offence to gay people okay...)
While my friend walk down the aisle, other than being touched by their love story and the relationship, I just thought back on my life and my love life. Seriously, I don't see that I lack of anything in my life. Loving parents, loving brothers, wonderful and loving sister in law, a group of supporting friends and a busy life. I don't understand what is it that I'm lack of, but, since the beginning of the year, I felt the pressure from people, just because I'm alone. As i told one of the Gfs about this yesterday, I can feel my tears, flooded my eyes.
Am I too picky, or the guys appear in my life just doesn't seem right. Why is it so easy for others to fall in love and be in a relationship but I can't. This was what I've been thinking. Until the poind where, I thought I am being too picky.
And yesterday, I told one of the GFs, that the main condition so called to become my other half, is He must be a christian. The moment i say that, I feel like I'm like this hard core holy fanatic Christian. Seriously, i start questioning myself, does it matter?
Yes, it does. I can't believe half of something and ignore the other half right. What Celest said last night was really encouraging. Never under estimate your own value, your own belief.
Going for it for the sake of it, is really wrong. Getting one just because I suppose to, is also wrong. having one just because everyone else did, is also wrong.
I'm also just a girl....
Thursday, June 04, 2009





I just found out these pictures from Lukas's blog.
I really didn't know or notice, that Darrel was behind me and manage to take a few shots with the studying me. I was so concentrating I guess, or just the music blasting at my ears can't hear anything else but the music. Bleh..
Back to study!
God Bless!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The flight back was not so good. First half of the journey, there were girls talking few rows behind me and I can hear their conversation. Then the second half the the journey, there was a crying baby, cried on top of his lungs. I can't really hear them with my mp3, but the last 20 minutes before landing, I feel like shouting at the pilot to land as fast as he could.
I was overjoyed when I first touch down. Like, never been home before that kind. Too tired with life over there and I called home and asked if I can come back. Hehe, even for that few days, I'm satisfied. To recharge myself to continue and fight the battle.
So now i'm at cousin's place, as my own place, the modem broke down. Nobody uses the computer, thus the modem was on 24/7 and now, resets every 3 minutes. So, i can't really online. Need to get a new modem. Therefore, no photos for now.
Till then, see you guys this weekend. Don't miss me much :)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Salute You
Although life sucks on you, although everything doesn't seems alright with you, I know, you never stop searching for that something that deep inside only you can understand.
Although it seems like everything that happen, is brought upon by yourself, but hey, nothing happens from one party only.
But of all the things that happened, I always see you as a very brave person. A person that always seek for happiness thou nothing last forever, the person that always hope and always give, though it may not last, the person that always be strong and never give up, though sometimes it fails on you.
And to compare me and you, you have more colours in your life than I do, cause you are brave to make steps out of the ordinary, out of the way we're taught or told to be, out of our very own comfort zone. And when experience counts in life, you had more than I have.
So, I salute you. I've been thinking of this a lot lately, and, I just want to tell you, life sucks and sometimes it fails on us, but, we continue to hope and we continue to work towards perfection, cause life is full of hope. We may fall into pieces, we may just want to sit and let life pass us by, but I know, you will stand up and continue walking very soon, so, don't sit too long. Life is waiting!!!
Take care, Love you always.
Cynth :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
It's already 15th now, countdown, 7 weeks and 5 days to go before exam. And I was checking out FB, checking out blogs and now my own blog.
My stress is on and off, like, this minute i feel the stress, the next minute, I was doing something else. Or, I was telling friend "die lorrr..... cannot finish study..." then next minute I was talking about random stuff and continue on until I'm satisfied.
Not sure how, when I was in LLB, i told myself, if i can't make it, at least i still have other qualifications that I can depend on. But now, hmmm, I don't know how to motivate myself to run faster and faster. I've been studying consistently everyday, but, I have the feeling that i cannot finish the syllabus. But, whatever is it, I will not chicken out. I will sit for the exam no matter what.
Still, I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.
Friend says "2 months or One year and 2 months". That motivates her.
At least, I'm still hanging on and persevering. Hehe.
I just need to hang on!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A Prayer
Felt this burden in the heart to say a prayer to you all.
May God protect you and your family and watch over our property.
May God's angel guard you in all your ways.
May God guide you, keep you and love you.
Off to bed. Tomorrow will be a great great day!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Beauty and Pain
So I explored the world of eye liner and mascara. Using it is pretty easy I think... coz some one did it on me. But taking it off really painful. Have to keep rubbing and rubbing, to take off the mascara and eye liner. Left my eyes red and skin around my eyes become sore. Grrr... this is on, trying to be nice and presentable, still.
Ah weell, next thing i'm gonna get, brush set. Though i don't really know how to do make up. But i think, every girl should have this stuff. Hehehehe....
bobbi brown doesn't sit around the gadget corner...
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Just to sum up.
1. I didn't progress well in my studies. Too many temptations, too many distractions. I don't know how to priorities.
2. One of the mornings, freaking early morning, was waken up by screamings. And i cudn't sleep after that cause it just freaked me out. Someone attempted to jump off the building, but thank God, someone held her tight. Hmm.. just being sarcastic, jumping off from 4th floor? I bet she's drunk or high. Well, someone jumped from 2nd floor in the college hostel before, just to prove to the girlfriend that he really loves her. Yeah, she felt really loved. In the end, she enjoyed pushing him around in wheelchair, broken leg bcos of the jump. Here, The apartments here are clean. no bad record. Gotta continue to pray.
3. I went shopping, like for few days, that's why my studies not progressing well this week :p
4. I just did my french manicure and it's ugly. Daph would be laughing at me like mad when she sees it tomm. bleh
Orite. Another 5 hours tomm. Good luck with sitting for 3 hours without a break. muahahaha.
Till then, take care yea!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Crazy Ppl
seen such a long queue before. Seriously, it was worst than the post christmas sale in Aus.
this is where i first queue up. Super long. Then i went in front. cannot tahan. queue not moving at all. so we left.

Saturday, April 25, 2009
I sang along....
I was like... are you kidding me????
Since when the radio can read my thinking...???!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Being Enthusiastic
Well, we were all forced to learn the piano (sorry mom!). I remember me and bro used to hate saturdays cause we have piano classes on that day. And how we prayed and hoped that it rained every saturday so that we don't get to go classes (my piano teacher's place easily get flooded..hihihihi).
The preparation for the exams were tedious. I'm so totally can connect with what they were saying about the process of practising the scales, major and minor code. And I was like, hey, I'm really not alone. Everyone felt the same. Not only me. From the practicing and to the preparation to exam and on the exam day itself and during the examination, while facing the examiner. We all had felt the same. And probably this is the first time i was so enthusiastic and passionate in talking about what I know or my interest (the 2 girls were more excited in telling their experience, and their face glow with neon lights or fluorescent lights or something :P).
And we all hold the same pride of skipping a few classes at school just to go for practical examination and everyone will just stare at you, when we walk into the school late and still be proud of it, as if we have some kind of immunity or privilege.
Well, it's been a long time I'm not passionate about something. I miss the satisfaction of playing long pages of scripts, and the satisfaction of passing one grade and move to next, the satisfaction of learning a few pages long of songs or even the sonata. Or even the satisfaction of being able to swim 10 laps of olympic size swimming pool (I used to...). Or drawing something on a full size drawing block (I used to be good in oil pastel... used to). I miss being passionate about something..
Yea, I bought a violin and i thought i can share the same passion that i can in piano, but, urggh, i just hate the process. of learning from scratch. I wish i can play straight some really nice and long pieces, like canon or something.
I am still searching for it. ANd now, my passion is on books. -____- particularly on clp books.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
12 Weeks



Well, it's weekend again, and it's been a while since I don't look forward to weekends. But anyways, Have a blessed weekend!!
Till then, be good there!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Last Week
Then we went to PC Fair. Didn't see much, we just walked pass all the halls to take brochures. Oh, had coffee before PC Fair. I fasted that day, so had coffee only in the noon. First time I saw the this kind of concept of sugar. I saw this once in the HK movie only. Bleh. This coffee cost RM9, but how many times u get to drink coffee with the big view of KLCC next to u. BIG view of KLCC okay.. not the KLCC from far.


During class, I can't even concentrate. SL was sitting next to me, she looked super awake to me. I didn't dare to fall asleep. then SC was on my right side, also, copying answer attentively. I paiseh want to fall asleep. So, tried hard to keep myself awake. After the class ended, i walked out like zombie. Then the 20+ of us went lunch together. sat from 3pm to 5 pm there. then from the table, we stood up, walked a few metre and continueed talking. then walked to the middle of the road to the divider, and still talking. -_____- Probably all just know each other, so much to talk. So many plans to make.
Yesterday at IKEA, bumped to cell members. Grrr.. disturb me study only.....

I shall go to sleep. stupid class from 1pm to 6pm.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Celebration
This was when we sang "He will come and save you". A very "lum" song.... melt my heart. The pastor got all of us to hold our phone with the screenbacklights on. like concert. so fun.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy Easter
I wanted to go to a church for Good Friday but in the end I didn't, as most churches don't have services on Friday, unlike the East Malaysia, it's a public holiday and not here. A friend went to a RC church and didn't know the service lasted for 4 hours. If it's me, by 2nd hour, probably i've already fall asleep. And the church from East that has a branch here, service at 8pm night. So, i've class till 9.30pm, I've cell at 8.30pm. So, I went straight to cell after class. But I did fast for Good Friday. Like woke up at 8.30 just to eat breakfast.
It wasn't a busy week as we're having break. The Intensive Revision starts today, meaning, I'll be superbly busy with studies. Errr, I can try to be busy with books. Haha. I'm not so passionate to sit for exam this year, but at the same time, I want to do it. Hmmm... it's been a long time that I'm not really passionate in something.
Errr.... i want a camera. I want to learn (read: play) how to take photograph. Whatever i learnt from Photography Club in High School, already lost in space. haha. But, by the time I no longer studying, probably i'll be busy working. Hmmm.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Darn.... I need to be in stress. May be I should mix with people in stress.
I'm not progressing well in my revision.... but... I'm not in stress.
I've bought supplies of nescafe 3-in-1, instant noodles and Chicken essence.
I didn't study the whole day today and still sleep 10 hours per day. sigh...
How to cure the pig-ness in me?
Some more went through my boxes and books and notes to look for my Year 2 notes to help a junior. Bleahhhh....
K... i'll try to study....
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
It's April
ty, daph ask when go clubbing. She say next week? muahahaha....
K... i just feel like updating. Haha.
I've got class today. Ciao!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The hOUr
So we ate, while the lights were on. We cabut right before 8pm, and we all rushed back home as we have further plans. Daph planned to go shopping with her brother and Siew Li and Me rushed back to enjoy the hour. So I drove home like mad driver, cause I want to switch ON the lights so that I get to switch them off at the strike of 8.30pm. Just in time, 5 minutes before 8.30pm, I arrived home and turn on all lights. Just to mark the hour. Hurriedly i prepare my phone to video the KLCC and KL tower switch off their lights and went to hunt for candle.
So, everything was switched off and I lighten up the candles, placed them at the balcony and enjoy the moment. I didn't switch on anything, except for my freezer still on. and also radio. So, the hour without facing the computer, I tidied the house a bit in the dark and the rest of the time, I was busy lighting up the candles which went off by the wind.
So, what is the significance? I dunno. Just to let people know that I'm aware of the Hour. And I believe, the awareness towards saving the earth can start by switching off the lights for an hour. Although it doesn't save so much of the electric, but it creates the awareness among people.
Right... I need to go to sleep. 5 hours lecture again tomorrow. Long Day. I had great time today. Thanks people! Nights!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Situation 1.
Yesterday we went to Tenji Japanese Buffet Restaurant. Inside was quite packed as people lined up to enter since some 10 minutes ago while we busy taking picture outside. During the meal, I went to the drink corner to get some coconut. When I arrived, I saw two line. Me, the second one on the right queue, and darren was the first in the left line. Behind him, there was a guy. So, that made me the 4th. But the guy behind me let me have the coconuts first. Hmmm, how nice.
Situation 2.
I went to the Bank this afternoon, to withdraw money. So there were two ATM Machine. Both occupied with people but nobody's behind them, so I went to queue on the 2nd Machine. Then came a girl, queue up on the 1st Machine. Who knows, the guy in front of me turtle and the guy at the 1st Machine done with his transaction. The girl behind him, tap me softly, asking me to go first with the 1st Machine. I told her it's alright but she still insist. How nice. I smiled at her as thank you.
Hmmm, I find it weird cause recently my experience with people queuing up and courtesy is really bad, and people has no decency at all. Sorry to say, all this bad experience was in the BAC. Not only guys, ladies also cut queues. WTH. There was once I stared fiercely at the girl who cut the queue into the lift, and I rush in to sort of fight with her for the last space in the lift. Of course, she need to step out. Muahahaha. Queue up lah people, have some decency.
While a lot of friends complained about this, probably the minority of the people there doesn't care about what others think. Not even simple courtesy may be. A friend got pissed after toilet break as someone tried to cut her queue and after being told, that person still acted like a b*tch. If this happens western country, the guys would probably drag this cut queue people to the back or simply yell at them. Again, if these people who used to cut queue happen to be in the western countries, i bet they act nicely there, queue and wait. How different!
On the other hand, it's Earth Day (Hour?) today and tomorrow, 27th and 28th. And on 28th, in supporting the WWF, we got to switch off our lights from 8.30 pm to 9.30pm. What am I going to do? What are you going to do? Support? Me alone using 2 lights the whole night. So, I probably contribute a bit to the use of electric. I plan to go to some restaurant that supports the Earth Day so that I can experience dining with candles without the lights. Hmm...
Right.... I'm going back to sleep. Have a blessed weekend! As for me and fella coursemates, Happy Sitting Long hours in Lectures. Haha!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Jet Lag
I had weird dream, dream of the same kind that i had during the flight back to Malaysia. Probably I haven't transit from the fast pace in London to slow and steady back at home. Yea, i dreamt of things moving very fast around me and me being tensed. Probably because while in London, I need to take care of my parents and be that tour guide. I must know where is the tube station, which one we're going to, which station to change and which line to take. Where shall we go, where is that place, which tube station is the nearest so that my mom doesn't need to walk so much. I need to know all this before hand. In the plane flying back here, i still dream of tube station. People were moving very fast!
So, I got up in the evening and get ready to go class. I took the highway, cause i know the normal way would be jam. I didn't see the signboard so i took the normal way to TY's house, which i thought would lead me to KL. Norpe. I didn't see any KL sign. From Damansara, to Ara Damansara, to Subang to USJ Heights, landed me at the Kinrara Highway to Bukit Jalil, and then to City. Took me freaking an hour and plus. Stupid. I know i should have just go back or turn to somewhere instead of going to class, cause when i reach the class, it's another hour to go. I walked into the class pretend that I came from the toilet or something, not the have it written on my face "i was late!!!". I walked past allen and he says "you better don't come then". -___-'''
I came to class, cause I want to meet the people. Haha. stupid one hour, most of the time i tried to pay attention, but instead, we were giggling and catching up.
Now, I suppose to run some errand tomorrow morning, which is later, few hours time. But not sure now. haha.
I've just transferred all the photos I took during the trip and it's more than 1000 photos. I'll just need time to filter.
So, now, i'll try to go to sleep. Nighty nights.
I'm glad to be home. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad, there are people waiting for me to come back. God Bless you!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Acknowledgment

Tell if if this worth 10pound, cause I don't have any proper photo of me on the stage. In fact, i think, none!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
First two days in LOndon, we still have jet lag because of time difference. I slept throughout the journey, woke up just to eat and then continue to sleep. probablz because i ddinät have enough sleep fro the past few nights before leaving to london. the drinking and the lack of sleep plus classes gave me a good sleep throughout the 13 hours in the plane. when we almost arrive London, i was like.... can we flz for another 10 hours so that i can sleep more?
(the z and y on the keyboard is terbalik... and a lot of other signs)
it's not that cold in london, except that when thereäs wind. the first night i was in london, anson called and scolded me, how come i didnät let him know Iäm coming over to UK. Thanks to ty, he called and the next daz, he came over to meet up with me. His friends came to shop and he accompanied me with parents to Harrods then dinner with keet.
the graduation ceremonz was great. the ceremonz itself was alright, but what makes me excited was being able to meet friends.
so, now iäm in paris. going back to london tomm. caänt wait, cause itäs freaking cold here.
k... gotta stop now, cause the kezboard is torturing me. shall scrap this post off when i go back home and have proper post.
in the mean time, take care. miss you poeple. Ty, say hi to daph. tell her... i thought of texting her but i don have her number in my phone. haha. lousy me. hahahaha. oh ty, i canät text now. left 1 pound credit. but itäs okaz. iäm going back alreadz mondaz night.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Time pass slowly please
I feel like cooking when I woke up this morning, so in the noon, I went out for lunch plus groceries shopping. See, I don't normally talk about lunch and groceries shopping, but today, it was public holiday and I didn't expect that it jammed all the way from the main road into the car park. Absolute crazy! And inside the mall, it was packed with people that I have to walk slowly. grrr. Who says it's recession now and here and we gotta start saving up?
So I cooked pasta at night and it was kinda bad. Normally it is good, but probably because it's been a year since the last time i cooked pasta, so, everything is out of proportionate. I poured too much of milk that it looks like as if I'm cooking soup. The cooking oil has expired and the only thing that I have in the fridge is vegetable spread. So, haha, the food sucks!
Anyways, I have class again tomorrow. Just rested for a day and I feel like I didn't do anything. bleh.
How are you lately...
Saturday, March 07, 2009
My mind flew back to the time with the ex-cell leader with ex-cell members. The cozy feeling of having each other, the sense of security and belonging that i look forward every week. Not that I don't feel it now, it's because I'm not heavily active in others' life and also the cell and the church, and they're not really in my life now. Suddenly I thought of the times where my cell leader being my big buddy. AT times where I stone in cell, she always knew something is wrong with me. And she knew it how to differentiate between the troubled face and the boring face, cause I'll just stone. Though I don't tell her a lot of things, whether I'm going through hard time or not, she'll just know it and always, say the right thing. I really miss those time, be weak and cry over her shoulder, throw all the burden aside and just let it be. And now,I know, I have to stand on my own.
I'm so lost, I told Celest. Though i don't feel like seeing anyone, or talking even, I went to cell, i told her. My thoughts are every where, I can't even explain to her how am I lost. I can't help but tears just fly out when Celest pray for me. I am really so tired.
But I still need to continue on, keep going on, persevere and hang in there. I am strong, as I always will, and I will be.
ps: Thanks for the text tonight. You'll never know how touched I was. I sang that song by myself all the way back home just now, with the radio on. Miss you loads :)
Friday, March 06, 2009
The Appeal
The Letter ...
Dear Malaysian Politicians,
Please stop the power chase, call for a truce and focus on the economy.
I do not claim to speak on behalf of all Malaysians, but I have strong convictions that many share my sentiments.
Our concern today is not who rules the country or heads the state governments but the looming bad economy.
Whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat leads, it is meaningless if Malaysians have no job to go to, no money to pay rent and no means to put food on the table.
I am a business owner, like other business owners and managers of corporations I have a responsibility to ensure people under my care and payroll continue to have jobs and a decent income to take home. We work hard and willing to go the extra mile to make sure our nation not only survive this crisis but come out stronger and wiser. We need your help.
Let me explain. I am in the business of Training, Development and Consultancy and have 20 people in my team.
Saedah is 42. She keeps the office clean and helps organise the training rooms. She has four children and her husband is unemployed. She was first hired on a part time basis, because she is very hard working and has a great attitude, we offered her a full time job to help provide a stable income for her family. Even then, when her third child started school this year, it was a struggle for her to buy new school uniforms and other necessities. Saedah lives on a ‘kais bulan, makan bulan’ basis, so, if she is jobless, her tap runs dry.
Samsuri is 27 years old. He lives with his sister and her family in a low cost government flat in Sunway. He does our despatch, helps with various clerical works and occasionally acts as a driver. During the first week at zubedy, we learned that he not only did not have money to buy new clothes and shoes for work, he had no money for lunch. Like Saedah, if he has no job, his tap runs dry too.
Alicia in Client Servicing turns 26 this year. She lives with her dad who is 71 years old and retired. Her mom passed away when she was little. Alicia is a hard-working team member, has a gentle caring outlook and fun to be with. (We like to poke fun at her as she blushes easily). Last May her dad went through a major operation, thank God he has recovered well. Alicia needs a job, both for herself and her dad.
Sudesh, 38, is one of our facilitators. When his father passed away last year, he moved back and lives with his mother in Seremban. He shuttles between Kuala Lumpur and Seremban daily, leaving home sometimes as early as 4 in the morning and returning late at night. He is no stranger to hard work and sacrifice, he knows what he needs to do to survive and to care for his mother, but he too needs a job.
Like fellow Malaysians, every one of us in zubedy needs employment, those that live from hand to mouth like Saedah and Samsuri and others like Alicia and Sudesh with family to care for. We Malaysians need the Malaysian economy to be strong. We need you, our leaders, to work hard and to work together to make our economy viable.
So this is my plea.
Pakatan Rakyat, please stop your attempts to take over the federal government and persuade BN’s lawmakers to join you. Stop all legal proceedings, no more 916 and let go, just let go. The nation can wait till the next general elections if they want change. By doing so, Malaysians will see your party as caring, unselfish and gracious and give you their support in the next elections.
Barisan Nasional, please stop any attempts to take over PR states and win over PR’s lawmakers. You have proven your point with Perak. The nation can wait for the next general elections if they want your party. Focus all your talent, energy and hard work in steering the country out of an economic downturn. By doing so, Malaysians will see your party as caring, unselfish and smart and give you their support in the next elections.
BN and PR! Call for a truce. Get together and compromise. Someone has to give in. Or has hate consumed your heart till it blinds you? You can do it. You have enough intelligent people between you. I am sure you can find solutions. Take the nation to heart. That is why you are in politics in the first place.
Focus on the people.
Focus on the economy.
Anas Zubedy
Managing Director
Zubedy (M) Sdn Bhd
Blessed are the peacemaker, for they shall inherit the earth. May God bless Anas Zubedy, that he may be a blessings to people around him, and inspire the others about what we can really do now, instead of crying over things that we don't have in control.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Just Us

George St. at 8am
But well, this particular morning, I woke up early, cause i couldn't sleep well. Cause I know, brother is leaving to go back home to his little family and start working that evening. So, I was up early and my both brothers were up too. So, we walked to the Apple Centre for 25 minutes.

Burger King or Hungry Jacks
See, it's not really about the Apple Centre, which 3 of us have the same common thing, going to computer store and stroll around. We used to do this on Saturdays, when I was back in hometown and when elder brother is free from work. It's more about, the time we have together, just the three of us.

I dunno why i took this :p
I let the guys walked in front, while me, busy taking picture, and of course, enjoy the moment of seeing the two guys walking together and chatting away and being able to see my elder brother physically.

My elder brother and I are very close since young. We went classes and lessons together. We fought of course and held our hands to sleep when we're afraid. And now, having to spend personal time together is really limited, with him having a wife now, and younger brother and I constantly try to get his attention. It's never been enough...

It's TGV - The Galeries Victoria

Queens Victoria Building, the mall that we went the most.

Sydney Tower, at 8.15am
So, here we are, at the Apple Centre of Sydney. Crazy 4 floors centre. I thought, which crazy poeple come to the shop to buy gadgets early in the morning. But true enough, the person that went in together with us, bought a bluetooth headset and a daddy with the daughter came to buy a macbook.

The Apple Centre, with transparent stairs.
Just half an hour there, we walked back to hotel again. On the way, dad called to wake us up, but to their surprise, we're up and ready already! And mom and dad were like "where did ya'll go??" We just smiled :)
I miss the time of 3 of us together, whoops.... 4 actually, including sister in law, no.. 5, including lil sister. haha. When am I going to Sydney again?
ps: I wrote a sad post at first, but wanted to be happy, so I wrote about my brothers, but it turned out to be an emo post >.<
Friday, February 20, 2009
It's been a while, it has been roller coaster since the beginning of the year. Last year ended well I can say, I greeted the new year with fresh hope and new perspective of how I want to live my life this year. It's not easy, to let go of excess baggage from last year and bring along only the necessary things in life to move on to the new year. But yet, the new year will still come and wait for no one. So, I hopped on to the bus, leaving the unnecessary things and move on.
What perspective that I've changed. I really don't know. I just know, I need to be happy. I figured that I've lost the glow on my face, that happy-go-lucky glow, that glow that able to bring a smile on the face of strangers, that kind of glow that people would like to see, that kind of glow that draws people to you. I used to be a sunshine girl, but now, I really don't know.
As bored as life can be, I tried to colour it up with different colours. Been meeting old friends and new friends for the past two weeks, catching up with life that we didn't get to share, digging out all stories, especially the sad part and the struggles. Went to catch some movies and did some exercise. Life has been good lately, well, I tried to.
I want to find back my glow, to be the sunshine once again.
I'll be on a trip again, in 3 weeks time, to a place that I've known since young. It's a mixture of feeling, sad and happy. I still regret, for I missed the bus 2 years ago, and also one year ago. Life move on yea, but that doesn't beat a dream that I had for more than 20 years. I know, life is not just about that one little dream, and there is more in life than that one little dream. And probably I haven't even seen the real world yet, and probably that dream is only some dream. Only those that understand this, understands me.
Whether I have a chance to live that dream, I really don't know. But this dream, is still, one of the thing that I'm carrying along.

It was my bro's idea.
Taken in the park at Darling Harbour, Sydney.
It felt so peaceful, to lie down on the green green grass.
Look up and the sun is right on top.
Reminds me of, green pasture, Psalm 23.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day

saw this outside the airport when I just arrived from Tawau back to KK.
Not sure what kind of advert or notification is that.
I wonder whether anyone wud get the first page of
the main newspaper to confess his/her love.
Oh well, we're flooded with occasions since the beginning of the year, full with buying gifts, sending over and receiving gifts. And now, another day to celebrate the love. A lot of people, especially the couples don't celebrate this day as it is a commercialised day, and they don't need this day to celebrate their love. they can celebrate love everyday of their time together. But for singles, we really need this day. haha. if we buy gifts for friends on any other day (other than special occasions), it would be really weird. So, to all singles, Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Happy Niu Year
So now, I'm back in KK again, and it's more like wedding celebrations + party + meeting/catching up with friends, rather than CNY celebrations. Attended one wedding yesterday and another one tomorrow, and i run out of dresses. Bleh. Either i recycle (which i don't mind) or I'll go for quick shopping to hunt for dress.
A very close friend came back again from Perth and the last time we've met was 5 months ago, after 8 years. 8 years of no contact with each other, and somehow friendster brought us together again. haha. So, we met up every night since I'm back in KK, catch up on each other's life, even during movies, we talked about other stuff. yea, i know, we should have just go to a coffee shop and talk all we want. haha.. what happen to us for the past 8 years, there's a lot to talk about. haha.
Anyways, for now, Happy Niu Year!! May God bless ya'll abundantly, guiding you wherever you go, giving you all the wisdom that you need in life and May good health, good life, good career/studies be upon you. And please don't listen to the horoscope. they're all crap. it says everything is bad for people who is born in the year of Dog, so, that means I don't need to live? haha.... crap!!
So, good night!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hello 2009
It's been 2 weeks since the new year, and I'm quite settled down after the holiday and christmas-new year break. Back in classes and still busy tidying up the house. Anyways, it was a great holiday, just spending time with bro and wifey. Dad says we had this trip just to check out the newly wed couple and see how are they settling down.
Well, shops were closed on Christmas Day and some on Boxing day, so we gotta buy groceries before the day and cook our own.
There's no where to go, around the neighbourhood, so we just stayed at home and play, Scrabbles. Our cheeky lil brother complained how unfair is it, as all of us are uni graduates and my bro and wife are working, there's no way he can beat us... yah dah yah dah... but who knows, he won. Highest point!! blehh..
Boxing day, we had opportunity to fly in a 4 seater plane. Lil bro, newly appoined co-pilot, flew us for a while like half an hour, until he got noxious and the plane went up and down like car going through bumps on the road. hahaha.. there is not air cond inside and the window's up. so, it was a bit stuffy. I almost throw out, and kept telling myself, we're gonna land soon, we're gonna land soon. so, tahan till we landed. haha...
The post christmas sales in crazy were crazy. we just went around town, walk and walk and walk, until we're really hungry and went to one of the japanese restaurant and we still need to wait for 25 minutes to get a table. We bumped to a teacher of mine from high school a few days later in this same restaurant. How cool! haha...
Anyways, we really had great time, especially that we had our sister in law to ourselves without brother around for 2 days, and then just brother without sister in law for 4 days. They had different shifts, but all good. If not, they'll just busy paktoh by themselves and abandon us.
More photos, check out my FB. right now, just me and the happy thoughts. Probably will blog about new year resolution sometime later.